Tuesday, August 27, 2024

CHESS this Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone!

There's lots more chess over the boards this Wednesday, August 28th at our regular Starbucks venue, from 3:00 p.m. through to closing time, as players can come and go anytime; there are no dues; there's no purchase required (but it would be nice); and there's usually a chess puzzle to solve, with a free tall Starbucks drink of choice going to the one who is first to solve it on the first try!

We meet every Sunday and Wednesday, same place, same time, and last Sunday saw quite a few players of all ages and skill levels -- at least 25 or more players in all, playing chess inside Starbucks as well as on the tables outside! We welcomed a couple of players new to the club: Rodri and Fernando. It was fun to see Benoit and Irakli bring their families! So then, the chess players in the mix, playing all kinds of chess games, including matches both off and on the clock, were: Benoit and son Theo; Allen and son Samuel; Irakli, Ben C., Reza, Jackson, Matthew R., Cory, Red, Fernando, Meredith, Rodri, Daniel U., David T., Tony, Alwin, Kevin, Daniel C., Alex S., David B., Mike T.; and Jonathan and son Dylan...! Did I miss anyone...?

We even had a kind of "Brain & Hand" fun tournament, to possibly be completed either this Wednesday or at next Sunday's session... what were the teams again...? The fun prize: tall Starbucks drinks and Cake Pops to the winning team!

Join us this Wednesday, August 8th, and next Sunday afternoon, September 1, 2024 for more of the fun and challenge of chess over the boards! Come early if you can for the best tables, and be ready to make new friends, and renew old friendships!

--- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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