Saturday, September 24, 2022

CHESS this Sunday September 25th at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone!

Once again we welcomed new players to our chess club, as more than a dozen players came by to enjoy an afternoon of chess over the boards at our usual venue, Starbucks, located at 1536 Kirker Pass Rd., in the Clayton Shopping Center, just up from the corner of Clayton Rd. & Ygnacio Valley Rd. in Concord!

Young Donovan was there with Andrienne, along with another new player by name of Mike, all welcomed by Sam, Mike T., Yancy, Tony, John B., Matthew, Connor Rdl., Bert, Eric Z., and Eric M. (Did I miss anyone?)

We meet again this Sunday, September 25, 2022, from 3:00 p.m. on through closing time.

We meet at the same time every Sunday and Wednesday afternoon. Come and go anytime, there are no dues, and there is no purchase required (but it would be nice). Early arrivals usually have a chance to be the first to solve a chess puzzle on the first try to win a free tall Starbucks drink of choice!

Our next relatively large USCF-rated club tournament will be moved to the first weekend in November (Sat. 11/04 - Sun.11/05/2022). More details to follow soon. In the meantime, players can sign up to play in either 4-player Quads or 6-player Round Robin matches (EF=$20; G/45;d10) to record more rated matches and/or to start getting ready for larger club tournaments, especially for the Golden State Open slated for January 2023 (that announcement just came out)!

If you have questions or need more info, let me know, see you soon!

-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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