Tuesday, August 16, 2022

CHESS this Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone !

At least 15 players came by last Sunday for chess over the boards at our usual Starbucks venue! Having fun with Classic as well as Blitz Chess were Diego, Karthik (with Rajita), Ethan, Ron, Mike B (been a super long time ago, one of the originals), Sam, Irakli, Ranen, Tyler, Alwin, Mike T., Kevin, Reza, and even Hossam and Dodie dropped by, with flowers!

We meet every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons, from 3:00 p.m. through closing time, at the Starbucks located at 1536 Kirker Pass Rd., in the Clayton Shopping Center, just up from the corner of Clayton Rd. and Ygnacio Valley Rd. in Concord. We meet again this Wednesday, somewhat of a special day for me as I apparently flew through surgery with flying colors and can actually expect to see everyone that's going to be there even though it's still during recovery period. Let's play chess!

We welcome players of all ages and skill levels, come and go anytime, there's no purchase required (but it would be nice) and enjoy new friendships as you also renew old ones, which happens every session it seems!

Our last e-mail featured info about our USCF-Rated Labor Day Weekend Tournament:

When: Sat. Sept. 3 & Sun. Sept. 4.

Start Time: 2:00 p.m. each day.

Where: Carl's Jr. Restaurant, across the side parking lot from Starbucks. (I've held several official chess and scrabble tournaments there).

Format: TBD (1, 2 or more Quads; or 2 Divisions of 5 or more players each; Round Robin or Swiss, depending on number of players, no more than 5 rounds max.) Great care will be taken to ensure avoid clear mismatches in establishing the groups.

Entry Fee: $20 paid before 08/31/22; $25 if paid after 08/31/22. Why the increase? It's an administrative fee for the chore or resetting the divisions and 1st round pairings to accommodate (and welcome) players who decide at the last day or minute to join.

Required: Current membership in the US Chess Federation. Players with current classic USCF ratings, as well as those with provisional ratings, and new, unrated USCF members are welcome to compete! I will need to check for each player's full name and USCF ID# and current rating for proper inclusion and pairings in the tournament, and for reporting of results to the USCF. New members bear with me on this, it's standard TD stuff.

[Noted: As of this writing, 2 players (Sam & Setsal) have already paid in. Two other players will have a $5 discount at time of payment, for having contributed to our club's annual USCF affiliation dues.]

Any questions or need for additional info, let me know, see you over the boards!

-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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