Saturday, October 23, 2021

CHESS Earlier this Rainy Day Sunday, Oct. 24 at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone !

Come by earlier, anytime between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. or so at our usual Starbucks venue (They close at 8:00 p.m.) this Sunday, October 24, 2021 for fun, challenging chess over the boards!

Players arriving early will have a chance to be the first to solve a chess puzzle on the first try (touchmove!) to win a grande Starbucks drink of choice, since no player was able to solve the puzzle last Wednesday! Mike T. was on hand along with Setsal, Sam, Bert, Hasseb, Irakli, and Rich K. to welcome yet another new player to the club, Jeremiah!

A super-soaker rainstorm is expected Sunday, so we can expect to be playing indoors. (Carl's Jr across the parking lot is an alternate venue, if needed.) Please keep pandemic masks on if indoors and not eating or drinking. If the weather keeps you home safe and dry, perhaps we'll see you another time! For those game to play chess at Starbucks, drive safely!

We're located at 1536 Kirker Pass Rd., Clayton, CA, just a couple driveways up from the corner of Ygnacio Valley Rd. and Clayton Rd., in Concord. We welcome players of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to masters and all in between! There are no dues, and there is no purchase required (but it would be nice).

See you soon,

-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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