Tuesday, March 12, 2019

CHESS Wednesday Mar. 13 at Starbucks; Sunday Mar. 17 at Panera!

Hi Everyone . . . !

Lots of fun, challenging club chess this week:

-- Wednesday evening (March 13, 2019) as usual at Starbucks, from 5 pm - 9 pm.  Come anytime, the earlier the better, at 1536 Kirker Pass Rd., Clayton, Calif.  All ages and skill levels welcome, no dues, no purchase required (but it would be nice).

--  Every 3rd Sunday of the Month chess session is next Sunday afternoon (March 17, 2019)  at Panera Bread Restaurant, from 2 pm - 5:30 pm. Come anytime, the earlier the better, at the corner of Bancroft Rd. and Treat Blvd. in Walnut Creek.  Once again, all ages and skill levels welcome, no dues, no purchase required (but it would be nice).

Last week's Starbucks session drew more players than expected, given the cold, drizzly weather!  On hand for some very interesting chess positions and tactics were Tony T., Mike T., Bob C., Jonathan, Ann, Eric, Brandon, Nessar, Dave, John B., June, Chris B., and -- playing Laser Beam Chess -- Dan K. and Ranger . . . !!

The weather should be getting much better, and finally Daylight Savings Time is here!  If you haven't been by in a while, stop in for a game or two, renew old friendships, make new ones!

See you soon (Club Quads soon, stay tuned!),

-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation www.uschess.org
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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