Wednesday, October 19, 2016

CHESS this Wednesday Oct. 19th at Starbucks!

Hi Everyone . . . !
There's chess over the boards to be played this Wednesday evening, October 19, 2016, from 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Starbucks, located at 1536 Kirker Pass Rd., Clayton, Calif.  Come by anytime, the earlier the better for the best tables, more games, and some really nice and interesting company!

Last week's turnout was pretty good, and we welcomed Gilbert, our newest player, to the club!  On hand to welcome Gilbert were Mike T., Tom H., Rich K., Jonathan, Anthony, Tony T., Hanza, and yet another player we haven't seen in a while, Hans!  There were several good matches, with games tightly contested all the way to a draw between Hanza and Mike; then Hanza and Tony T.; and, between Rich and Anthony! 
At the Panera Bread Restaurant yesterday, matches between Mike T. and Jackie C., and between Raymond and Tony T. went down to the end games, with Raymond and Mike barely eking out wins.  Next month's Panera Bread session will be on Sunday, November 13, 2016, so please mark your calendars and try to join the chess fun to help keep the venue a going one for the club. (Perhaps chess masters Ronald and Manny can join us again there for some exhibition speed matches!).

See you soon,
-- Mike T.
Contra Costa Chess Club
US Chess Federation
Affiliate Club ID #A6024746

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