Thursday, January 30, 2014

CHESS Thursday Evening Jan. 30th at Carl's Jr.!

Hi Everyone . . . !

There was a nice turnout last Sunday afternoon for FM Ronald Cusi's simultaneous exhibition. Ron played about 10 boards, winning at least 8, drawing 1, and -- ironically -- losing 1 to his student Bobby! . . . and it was Evan who played Ron to a draw, by the way . . . !

On hand for the afternoon of chess for fun were Raymond, Elly, Dmitri, Liliana, Bobby, Victoria, Chris, Priya, newcomers Sam and his Dad Rick, Miranda along with her Dad, Michael D., Andrew, Bill K., Beverly, Evan, Mike T., NM Manny Perez, and of course FM Ron Cusi, along with several onlookers or spectators.

Our next session will be this Thursday evening, as usual from 6:15pm - about 10:00pm at Carl's Jr. located at 1530 Kirker Pass Rd., Clayton. Come by anytime, the earlier the better, for the best tables, more games, and some really nice company!

This coming Sunday, February 2, 2014 is Super Bowl Sunday -- chess players are of course welcome to have a regular session with Bill Kelly hosting in the afternoon from 2pm on at the same Carl's Jr. restaurant. However, since I'll be taking the Super Bowl game in, I'll probably won't see most of our club players until the Thursday evening and Sunday afternoon sessions of the following week.

So then, I hope to see you soon . . . !

-- Mike T.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CHESS Thursday Evening Jan. 23 & an FM Simul Sunday Jan. 26 at Carl's Jr.!

Hi Everyone . . . !

Now that the Golden State Open has come and gone over the last weekend, there's more chess to be played over the boards this Thusday evening, from 6:15 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. at our new regular venue, Carl's Jr. Restaurant located at 1530 Kirker Pass Rd., Clayton, Calif., just a couple driveways up from the main intersection of Ygnacio Valley Rd. and Clayton Road.

Then on Sunday, January 26, 2014, at the same place from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (or more), our Sunday session will also feature a fun "Simul" exhibition with FM Ronald Cusi playing against a variety of players on as many boards as he can simultaneously. Figure the Simul will start a little before 3:00 p.m., and assume correctly that space will be somewhat limited. The players who arrive the earliest will be given a chance to play him first. Last Spring, Ron played a simul against 21 players, winning 20 boards and drawing on 1. There will be no purchase at the restaurant necessary, nor will there be a fee charged for playing the simul (though a nominal $2 voluntary donation toward the sponsoring USCF affiliation club dues will be accepted -- or who knows, I just might buy a hamburger or two with it!).

At either session, as usual, come by anytime, but the earlier the better for the best tables, more games, and some really nice company over some fun chess!

See you there,

-- Mike T.